Thursday 24 June 2010

RaW Folk 19/06/2010

This week the show featured music from Circus Envy as drummer and vocalist Mick Harding joined me on the phone to talk about the band's new EP, A New Dawn. To listen again to the interview, featuring clips from the record, head over to RaW Folk's podcast page on MoreRaW here.

Music Played
Artist - Song (Album)

The Queensberry Rules - Molly Leigh (Landlocked)
Alela Diane - The Pirate's Gospel (The Pirate's Gospel)
Joel Plaskett - Deny, Deny, Deny (Three)
Circus Envy - Going Nowhere (A New Dawn [EP])
Circus Envy - Three Score and Ten (A New Dawn [EP])

Folk On or Folk Off
Led Zeppelin - The Battle of Evermore (Led Zeppelin IV)

Chumbawamba - Torturing James Hetfield (ABCDEFG)

The Legend of Stuff
Joan Baez - Henry Martin (Joan Baez)


Eliza said...

Very much enjoyed the Circus Envy feature. A band to watch, I think!

Anonymous said...

can't believe it's the last raw folk today :( (saturday 26th) urll be missed

folkie said...

Question: can you think of any one song featuring magic, murder, sex and a shipwreck? ;-)