Monday, 2 June 2008

Show 6 31/05/2008

Music Played
Time Artist - Song (Album)

18:03 Bellowhead - Hopkinson's Favourite (Burlesque)
18:07 Steeleye Span - Hard Times of Old England (All Around My Hat)
18:13 Chumbawamba - Bankrobber (A Singsong and A Scrap)

Album of the Week: Nick Drake - Bryter Layter
18:15 Nick Drake - Northern Sky
18:20 Nick Drake - At the Chime of a City Clock

18:25 Martha Tilston - Artificial (Of Milkmaids and Architects)

18:30 Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay (Nashville Skyline)
Theme Time Radio Minute (Mountains)
18:35 Ozark Mountain Daredevils - Fly Away Home (Men from Earth)

Album of the Week: Nick Drake - Bryter Layter
18:39 Nick Drake - Hazey Jane II

Folk On / Folk Off
18:45 XTC - All You Pretty Girls (The Big Express)

18:50 Eliza Carthy - Rolling Sea (Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs & Chanteys)

Album of the Week: Nick Drake - Bryter Layter
18:54 Nick Drake - Poor Boy


Anonymous said...

Love the show. How about Thea Gilmore in folk on/off?

Anonymous said...

Are you able to put all Sir Bob's minutes on your blog? Would love to hear them again!